A Look Back At 2017

Friday, January 5, 2018
A Look Back At 2017

{John Mayer Concert With My Sister}

{First Time Chestnut Picking // original post here}

{First Rams v. Colts Game}

{First Movie Premiere // original post here}

{First LA Clippers Game // original post here}

In so many ways, 2017 was one of the best year of my life. I got a promotion, saw John Mayer in concert, went to my first movie premiere, went to my first Clippers game, made new friends, visited five states in three months, learned a lot about relationships and life && I started this blog. It was a year of huge growth and learning. 

This year I'm going to focus more of myself to Brady and my blog. When I started SweetHelenMelon, I wasn't really sure what direction I wanted this blog to go, I know I wanted to focus on fashion, lifestyle and fitness but I also wanted to encourage all of my readers to dream BIG and take BIG risks for those dreams. Let me know what you guys want to hear more of so I can narrow it down :-)  (orrrr I can just talk about everything)

From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of you who visit this little blog and continue to do so week after week. I appreciate each and every one of you, and it's because of you that I know 2018 is going to be the best year yet!!

Love to all,
