Monday, January 22, 2018
A Little Motivation
Last week, I felt a little overwhelmed because of my busy schedule. Here's what my week consisted of: thinking of some blog posts, cleaning the house, making a grocery list, random chores around the house, taking Brady to basketball practice, making time for the gym, scheduling appointments and on top of all of that... a full time job. Do you guys ever feel overwhelmed by your to-do list?? Please tell me I'm not the only one. For me, I sometimes get so overwhelmed just thinking about all of the things that I have to do, that I don't even know where to start! Well, I made a list of tips for prioritizing and motivating myself to tackle everything that I have to do && wanted to share it with all of you.
{one} Prioritize By Making A List
First thing first, make a list! Whether I'm stressed or not stressed, I make a list of all the things I have to do. I even keep a tiny notepad specifically for my "to-do's" in my purse that way I can keep track of the tasks that I did and didn't get around to. I find it helpful to go through my list and prioritize tasks in order of importance by numbering them or by making a mental note of what I need to get done first. Do what makes you feel comfortable, but start by making that list.
{two} Add It To Your Calendar
My agenda is vital to my life! Not joking. In the past, I have forgotten about deadlines, meetings, appointments, birthday parties, dinner parties (you name it...) all because I failed to mark it down in my agenda. Do you have a coffee date on Thursday? A wedding this fall? A play date in two weeks? Put it all down in your calendar! I have this weekly calendar, which lets me break down my schedule monthly, weekly and daily (I also bought it because it's just so darn cute!!). If you don't want to spend any money on a planner, I found this adorable printable calendar online and attached it here (horizontal) and here (vertical). Everyone also needs a huge wall calendar like this one to see the entire month at a glance. I have a calendar like this for my blog that is SOOO helpful - I get to plan out blog posts weeks in advance!
{three} Print Out Inspirational Quotes
Sometimes it helps to print out inspirational quotes and pin it to your bulletin board. I even hand write some quotes on my monthly planner because that's where I'll see it enough to give me some serious motivation. For example, I love this quote, "everyday may note be good but there is something good in everyday." And this one, "stay positive, work hard and make it happen."
{four} Take A Break
I truly believe that taking breaks are essential to being productive. If you work really hard on something or find yourself having trouble focusing, let yourself have 15 minutes to clear your head and give your mind a break. When I need a quick break I usually make myself a cup of coffee in my cute monogram mug, check Instagram, turn on Pandora or shop on Groupon. You have to find what works for you, but taking a short break will definitely keep you refreshed and ready to tackle your projects.
{five} Rest Up
It's the BEST feeling to have a bunch of tasks checked off on your "to-do" list before lunch time. I find that I am wayyy more productive when I wake up early and get a head start on my day. Well... the only way I can wake up early is by getting enough sleep at night and I'm guilty of staying up way past my bedtime. If you're tired all day, it makes it difficult to get motivated, stay motivated and get things done. Lately, I've been trying to go to bed before 10pm and I'm not even embarrassed about it!!
What are your tips for getting motivated?
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